Leadership Stay Interview

Leadership Stay Interview

Prevent Burnout through Leadership Stay Interviews

Greater anxiety, mental health related concerns, feelings of overwhelm leading to disengagement and burnout- these are now terms leaders are also using to express what they are feeling. Research shows that over 70% of senior executives are thinking of resigning with CEO attrition numbers inching upwards since 2020. Instead of allowing this trend to intensify you could address the risk of burnout, disengagement, #QuietQuitting or even attrition by implementing Leadership Stay Interviews.

What is a Stay Interview?

A stay interview helps to identify what is motivating an individual to stay and what might entice them to work for someone else. Typically more informal than an exit interview, when conducted by a third party the interviewee is likely to be more candid about what his/her reasons are to stay, and also what could be better. The psychological safety afforded by speaking to an objective, third party is an important reason for the introduction of these interviews. These interviews are designed to identify risk factors that could prompt burnout, disengagement or resignation.

The Bricoleur Leadership Stay Interviews are conducted by senior leaders who have experience running business units and teams and can empathise with a leader’s challenges

Leaders interviewing Leaders

The Bricoleur team who conduct the interviews comprises a professional who may have experience in digital transformation, social media or leadership coaching and a partner qualitative research expert. Qualitative research enables the use of methodologies to unearth underlying feelings and perceptions beyond just conscious responses. These may help to gauge what a leader is truly feeling. This is followed by a report with recommendations while maintaining confidentiality with the interviewee.

How it Works?

Step 1

Leadership Stay Interviews/ Leader Checkins

Book an obligation-free appointment with Bricoleur to find out more about Leadership Stay Interviews/ Leader Check-ins and share organisational context

If you’d like to progress, Bricoleur will send you a payment link and a link to book the appointment for the Leadership Stay Interview

Make payment to confirm Bricoleur Check-in

A Bricoleur team member will connect to clarify and confirm details

Step 2

Bricoleur Leader Check-in

Call between Leader and Bricoleur Leader Check-in team comprising and a senior qualitative researcher from Bricoleur and a Bricoleur team member with leadership experience.

Step 3


Report development comprising – Retention plan – Recommendations including whether there needs to be a succession plan, a career development plan, any resultant action steps including co-creation meeting for agreeing further steps/solutions. More details around the report can be shared on the initial call

Step 4


Report submitted including recommendations. Also call to agree on next steps. These could include co-creation of solutions or extension of the process for other team members.

Step 3


Report submission to you based on recommendations agreement on co-creation of
intervention or extension of process for other team members or other course of action if any

Enquiry Form

Please attach a job description or any other information on what we can help with